Logo Acero Srl

Forniture di componenti industriali

Environmental policy

Our environmental policy

Acero s.r.l. wants to contribute to the growth of community welfare through the balanced management of the environment to ensure sustainable development to protect future generations.

The environmental policy of our organization is based on a coherent set of principles to which every objective, action and goal in the field of environmental management must refer.

Compliance with environmental legislation

Ensuring compliance with legislative and other environmental regulations by accessing, identifying, evaluating and monitoring each new process.

Continuous improvement of environmental performance

To improve year by year the results of environmental management of its activities and services in compliance with the environmental policy.

Environmental prevention

Prevent, eliminate and, if this proves impossible, reduce pollution and use of natural resources, taking into account the best available economically feasible technologies.

Environmental culture and professional growth

To develop at every level a sense of responsibility towards the environment through adequate knowledge of environmental aspects with information, education and training initiatives commensurate with the commitment of everyone in the organization. To this end, our management is committed to ensuring that the environmental policy is understood, implemented and supported by all employees.

Dissemination of environmental principles

To disseminate within and outside the organization, with particular regard to customers and suppliers who work with us, the principles of the environmental policy as well as the results achieved in a transparent manner, encouraging a general commitment to non-pollution.

Collaboration with stakeholders

Collaborate with all stakeholders in compliance with government and land use policies to foster co-participation in the most appropriate venues and to provide input commensurate with one's role and prerogatives.

Management of environmental effects

To monitor and, where possible, reduce atmospheric emissions from fixed and mobile sources present in the daily operations of the company; to control the production and disposal of waste and liquid effluents, seeking, where possible, to reduce the quantities and hazardousness; to analyze and optimize energy and water consumption; to promote correct environmental behavior among customers.

Management Systems.

Monitor and track the environmental impacts of its activities through the adoption of an environmental management system. Ensure the prior assessment of environmental aspects in all activities, adopting, where possible, the operational solutions with the least environmental impact.

Management is committed to disseminate, implement, keep active and periodically review this environmental policy based on the changing environmental, socio-economic and institutional environment.

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Acero SRL

Registered Company and VAT IT01009390392
R.E.A. RA 114322
Corp. capital € 51.480 i.v.

Environmental policy

Acero S.r.l. wants to contribute to the growth of the well-being of the community through the balanced management of the environment to guarantee sustainable development to protect future generations.

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